
in the Potter's Hand

searching for evidence of the Creator's hand

Apologies & Announcements

First I want to apologize for my very erratic postings these last two years without explanation. I've been redoing websites, writing books, creating my first course and outlining others, and creating a membership opportunity. To say the least, I have... Continue Reading →

Bus Ride Blessings

Have you ever had thoughts well up so strongly inside you it felt like someone was squeezing your heart? Not a panic attack or heart attack or anything painful or disastrous, just so physical and real you can't ignore it?... Continue Reading →

Shifting Focus

This past year I started a 100 Tree Challenge. The goal was to make 100 images of trees with any kind of art material, in any size. The hope was that I would start to see trees in a new... Continue Reading →

Hot Chocolate Bombs

In counseling there are days when I am worn out and weary, emotionally drained as I listen and hold on to hope for others as we seek healing. There are other days when laughter fills the office, breakthroughs are celebrated... Continue Reading →

Yes, yes, yes, yes…Why is it so hard to say no?

Teach us to live wisely and well!Psalm 90:12 There are so many good offerings, so many freebies, so many requests for help, so many things I want to do, and should do, so many good books to read etc. I... Continue Reading →

Birthday wishes…

Birthdays come every year, some are anticipated with great joy, while others are dreaded. How is it that numbers can do this to us? Why do certain numbers seem to mark the end or the beginning of certain opportunities in... Continue Reading →

Thoughts from another Luke…

I was trying to come up with a clever title to introduce you to Luke Finley, but I'm out of steam today. Let me know if you come up with any. Anyway, I happened upon him via Instagram and saw... Continue Reading →

What Lights Your Path?

It seems like everywhere I look darkness is creeping in. Overwhelmed by bad newsBuried under a never-ending to-do list Tension rising amongst family membersFear of whats comingDespair over not being enough The list could go on...frustrations, disappointment, worries, wounds, fatigue,... Continue Reading →

Inspiration is Everywhere!

I have noticed that no matter how hard I try to stay focused, I can't help but find a new art course to take or helpful book to read. When I was young I told myself I would read every... Continue Reading →

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